How dare he criticize her!
Nicole found it hard enough to raise a teenage boy by herself and eke out an uncertain living as a charter pilot in British Columbia’s Queen Charlotte islands. Dealing with Matthew Kealy, her arrogant, unkempt new neighbor was a bit too much.
Though she soon learned that Matthew was a successful artist, that didn’t make him less of a pain, critical of her son, her abilities as a mother, as a pilot. Still, she shouldn’t let him get to her.
And moreover, she shouldn’t let herself be so terribly aware of his powerful masculinity.
Nicole found it hard enough to raise a teenage boy by herself and eke out an uncertain living as a charter pilot in British Columbia’s Queen Charlotte islands. Dealing with Matthew Kealy, her arrogant, unkempt new neighbor was a bit too much.
Though she soon learned that Matthew was a successful artist, that didn’t make him less of a pain, critical of her son, her abilities as a mother, as a pilot. Still, she shouldn’t let him get to her.
And moreover, she shouldn’t let herself be so terribly aware of his powerful masculinity.