The heat is on.
Sorcha Riordan and Rui de Braganca were complete strangers, but they both inherited half of the same business.
Sorcha had fifty-one percent and she knew nothing about running a company. Rui de Braganca did, and he had been left forty-nine percent. What he lacked in shares, however, he more than made up for in sheer male magnetism. It was a potentially explosive situation. And Sorcha was finding it increasingly difficult to keep a cool head.
Sorcha Riordan and Rui de Braganca were complete strangers, but they both inherited half of the same business.
Sorcha had fifty-one percent and she knew nothing about running a company. Rui de Braganca did, and he had been left forty-nine percent. What he lacked in shares, however, he more than made up for in sheer male magnetism. It was a potentially explosive situation. And Sorcha was finding it increasingly difficult to keep a cool head.