Eve thought of herself as plain.
Yet something with her responded deeply to glamorous, sophisticated Matt Cavell from the first time she saw him. Dancing wildly with a mysterious young companion in the soft Mallorcan night, he held Eve spellbound.
They were worlds apart, until his daughter?s need of Eve?s specialized help brought them together.
Unsure of herself, unsure of him, Eve almost rejected this one opportunity to get to know Matt, to fully get to know herself, to share his life, which would have been a great pity!
Yet something with her responded deeply to glamorous, sophisticated Matt Cavell from the first time she saw him. Dancing wildly with a mysterious young companion in the soft Mallorcan night, he held Eve spellbound.
They were worlds apart, until his daughter?s need of Eve?s specialized help brought them together.
Unsure of herself, unsure of him, Eve almost rejected this one opportunity to get to know Matt, to fully get to know herself, to share his life, which would have been a great pity!