This was going to be even worse than she’d feared.
Sara had good reason to be apprehensive when wealthy playboy Max Christian took over as editor of London Now magazine. He’d neither forgotten, nor forgiven the scathing article she’d written about him two years earlier.
And it was obvious from Sara’s first day under his regime that Max was going to enjoy making her life miserable.
She could withstand his brutal criticisms of her work. It was when he began to toy with her long-repressed emotions, that she knew herself defenseless.
Sara had good reason to be apprehensive when wealthy playboy Max Christian took over as editor of London Now magazine. He’d neither forgotten, nor forgiven the scathing article she’d written about him two years earlier.
And it was obvious from Sara’s first day under his regime that Max was going to enjoy making her life miserable.
She could withstand his brutal criticisms of her work. It was when he began to toy with her long-repressed emotions, that she knew herself defenseless.