2008年6月27日 星期五

The Silken Bond - by Flora Kidd- Harlequin Presents - # 379 - 1980.

Lyn felt she had to return to the island.
Lyn Brennan thought it safe to return to Morgan’s Island. And after the scandal that had marred her reputation, as well as scarring her face, she felt she had nowhere else to escape to.
It had been eight years since she’d been on the island, since her infatuation with Joel Morgan had nearly broken her heart. Now Lyn was older, a woman of cool reserve.
But that reserve was shattered the moment she realized that the rugged island fisherman walking toward her was Joel, more dangerously attractive than ever!

Masquerade Marriage - by Flora Kidd - Harlequin Presents - # 1024 - 1987.

Her money could buy anything, except him.
Oil heiress Carlotta Burr had the money and freedom to do whatever she liked. That included jetting to the Caribbean and Europe, where she met and quickly married horse show champion Kurt Malden.
The discovery that Kurt was a fortune hunter jolted her. His death was a further shock, as was the news that her father had hired a bodyguard to protect her from kidnappers.
Carlotta had never before met a man like Brad, her bodyguard. Not only did he despise her money and her spoiled, impulsive ways, he made it clear that their mutual attraction would never grown into anything else.

Castle Of Temptation - by Flora Kidd - Harlequin Presents - # 276 - 1979.

She was afraid of his love now.
It had taken Aline five years to get over the pain and humiliation caused by Dominic Lietch’s harsh rejection of her teenage love.
The foolish young girl had become a sensible young woman, so when Dominic returned unexpectedly to Scotland., Aline was dismayed to find that her growing up had not changed her feelings for him.
She was determined to get away from his dangerous magnetism before he could hurt her again. Dominic, however seemed equally determined to make her stay.

The Arranged Marriage - by Flora Kidd - Harlequin Presents - # 370 - 1980.

Leon was just a familiar stranger.
Roselle’s marriage to Leon five years earlier had had a bizarre beginning. Now, it seemed, it would have an equally strange ending.
Her visit to Leon’s vineyard in southern France was merely to ask him for a divorce. After all, they’d never lived together as man and wife, except, of course, for those few wonderful months in London.
But that was long ago, and Roselle knew Leon didn’t really want a wife. Why, then, had this reunion and her request, sparked such a violent and passionate reaction?

A Rose From Lucifer - by Anne Hampson - Harlequin Presents - # 483 - 1982.

Should she settle for what she could get?
Young and impressionable, Colette had fallen in love with Luke Marlis on sight. Because she was plain and insignificant, he hadn’t even noticed her.
Then fate changed Colette’s life drastically, and years later she was a different person. Not only was she rich, but her looks had changed as well, she’d acquired a sophistication all her own. So when she found herself stranded on Luke’s island in the Aegean, she felt confident.
This time, though, Luke was more than interested. He wanted her, but not, it seemed, enough to marry her.

Villain Of The Piece - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 1152 - 1989.

Her only hope was a man she loathed.
Lucy?s life was literally crashing around her ears. As a desperately struggling since mother of a ten year old son, she had no choice but to turn for help to the one man she despised more than any other.
Jonas Woodbridge, archaeologist, writer, urbane world traveler, a wildly attractive man whom Lucy had managed to avoid for eleven long years.
When Jonas offered to bail Lucy out, his terms were as surprising as they were frightening. For Lucy feared he would learn her long held secret.

True Paradise - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 1184 - 1989.

He expected her to expedite the deal.
If Roberto Monteiro actually thought Charlotte was the kind of woman who’d use feminine wiles to gain her own ends, then he could think again.
Yes, she’d intended to make him an offer for her grandmother’s Yorkshire estate on behalf o f her father. But that wasn’t why she opened her heart to Roberto so suddenly, now, as far as she was concerned, all deals were off.
Roberto had other ideas. He would consider selling after all, he said, provided Charlotte came to his home in Brazil to negotiate the deal.

Touch Me In The Morning - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 1065 - 1988.

She wrote of romance but longed for love.
Theo lived a double life. From nine to five the horn-rim bespectacled, prudish “Miss Grace,” ever-efficient secretary to ladykiller James Hackett, earned enough money to support the after-hours real Theodora.
And since romance was not something she associated with James Hackett, it was surprising that the passionate tales she wrote starred a leading man with a remarkable resemblance to him.
She couldn’t help wondering though if she would ever live and love in her own life so happily ever after.

The Marriage Bed - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 992 - 1987.

She’d felt sure his love was real.
Harriet Neil couldn’t believe her luck. First, the secretary was unexpectedly sent on an all-expense paid holiday to Portugal by her boss. Then, on her first day at the luxurious Hotel Miramar on the Algarve Coast, she encountered the man of her dreams, the charming and sophisticated Richad Livesey.
It was all too good to be true.
Until she learned that Richard as not whom he’d claimed to be. But it was too late, for by that time he’d taken her captive, in more ways than one.

The Baby Claim - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 2148 - 2000.

He laid claim to her body . . . and then to her baby.
One night of passion and . . . she was pregnant! Dan Armstrong, the father of Jess’s baby, insisted they should marry immediately, but Jess wasn’t so sure. Dan had wanted her body, and now he wanted their baby . . . but did he really want her as his bride?

Prodigal Sister - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 800 - 1985.

Two fiancees at once seemed a bit excessive.
Sarah had left her Welsh home under something of a cloud, and she wanted to return with flags flying. So she said she’d be arriving for her sister’s wedding with a surprise guest, her fiancee.
Only Sarah was the one to be surprised or rather shocked to find Rupert Clare, her fiancee, entertaining a previous girlfriend in the bedroom of his London home.
As luck would have it, the local squire gallantly presented himself as Sarah’s intended, and he succeeded in making things infinitely worse . . . because Rupert showed up, too!

Loveknot - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 1225 - 1989.

Sophie thought marriage was for the birds!
When she saw her boss, Alexander Paget, jilted at the altar, Sophie’s heart bled for him. But she didn’t appreciate the rush of interest the ex-bridegroom soon showed in her.
Sophie refused to become a balm for Alexander’s wounded ego. She’d already had it with men, caring for her brothers and widowed father. And now she wanted to escape from domesticity and from Alexander.
Yet Sophie rather enjoyed the novel sensation of being chased by the man who’d previously ignored her as a woman. Besides, anyone nicknamed Alexander the Great naturally boasted irresistible powers of persuasion!

Love Lies Sleeping - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 1016 - 1987.

She was thrilled at the prospect.
Frances had a passion for history, and delving into the family archives of the aristocratic Curthoys would be pure pleasure. And, working for Harry Curthoys fulfilled a childhood fantasy. Hadn’t she once worshiped from afar the dashing young lord?
But Frances was no longer a silly schoolgirl. She was mature, levelheaded and engaged to a wonderful man. And Harry, too had changed. He had become jaded and why, he wasn’t even particularly good-looking! He couldn’t compare to her handsome fiancee.
Soon, though, to her rather guilty surprise, she found this was not entirely the truth.

Imperfect Chaperone - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 698 - 1984.

Kit was usually the sensible one.
When Kit Vaughan agreed to accompany her beautiful younger sisters on holiday to Spain, she thought she’d have her hands full just keeping them out of trouble.
She was wrong. Clemency and Charity were on their best behavior, it was Kit who kept getting into predicaments, and the disturbingly attractive Reid Livesay who always seemed to be behind them.
How could Kit hope to keep her sisters on the straight and narrow she wondered, when with Reid, she was barely able to stay there herself.

Silent Crescendo - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 873 - 1986.

Were they totally wrong for each other?
Judith neither knew nor cared much about classical music, and the last man on earth she expected to fall in love with was the great tenor Rafael David.
Their affair couldn?t last, she told herself. They had nothing in common.
And with a man like Rafael, whose life was devoted to melodrama, how could a woman know when he was being sincere and when he was merely pretending?

Restless Nights - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 2244 - 2002 - The Dysarts Series.

Back in his life and in his bed?
Adam Dysart's charisma and arrogance turn Gabriel's normally balanced emotions to Jell-o.
Staying alone at her family's isolated farmhouse, it doesn't take more than a few restless nights to make her long for a strong and reassuring male presence. But Gabriel knows if she lets Adam into her life, he'll try to tempt her into his bed, and she's determined not to let that happen. Because she suspects Adam of having his own secret seduction agenda.

A Vengeful Reunion - by Catherine George - Harlequin Presents - # 2166 - 2001 - The Dysarts Series.

He’ll get his answer by revenge.
Leonie Dysart has been working abroad since breaking her engagement to handsome property developer Jonah Savage. But she misses her large, lively family.
Leonie returns for her brother’s twenty-first birthday, and meets Jonah! He’s determined to know why she jilted him seven years ago. Secretly Leonie’s still in love with Jonah. But does the physical attraction that continues to flare between them mean that Jonah shares her feelings, or is it all part of his plan for revenge?

Blue Days At Sea - by Anne Weale - Harlequin Presents - # 444 - 1981.

Fate had thrown them together.
And Sarah wasn't going to let this opportunity slip through her fingers. For years she had idolized dynamic television reporter Lyle Talbot. Now working on his Caribbean newspaper was like a dream come true.
"An impressionable virgin," Lyle had mockingly labeled her. So Sarah decided it was high time to become a woman of the world, and she could think of no better teacher than Lyle.
But Sarah was soon forced to admit that as far as love was concerned, she was on a wild-goose chase.

Temporary Bride - by Patricia Wilson - Harlequin Presents - # 1238 - 1990.

It was a terrible choice for her.
Yet Kit Landor was as implacable as his piercing blue eyes when he told Charlotte, "You'll marry me or Uncle Joe gets what's coming to him."
Charlotte couldn't let her beloved uncle go to prison. Besides Kit was too attractive for his own good, and Charlotte was not immune to his charms.
But she wasn't going to let him have things all his own way. Why should she, especially, when he really wanted the glamorous Veronica.

A Certain Affection - by Patricia Wilson - Harlequin Presents - # 1174 - 1989.

Must she run away from him again?
Years ago, Amy fled Northumberland and a humiliating teenage crush on her aunt's stepson, sculptor Maxwell St. Clair. Now a head gym teacher in London, Amy was coaxed into returning to her aunt's for a visit.
Along with her warm memories of the wild hills and sea of the coast. Amy's old feelings for Max resurfaced. Plus some wildly passionate new ones.
Max wanted Amy, too. He was obsessed with her form, possessed by her athletic figure. But his love was reserved for another woman.

My Destiny - by Rosemary Hammond - Harlequin Presents - # 1296 - 1990.

Nothing comes with a guarantee.
Joanna admitted that, yet she still wasn’t prepared to take the risk of letting Stephen Ryan into her life.
When her husband Ross, a policeman, was killed on duty, it took Joanna a long time to pull herself together. She vowed never to become involved with a policeman again.
And that was the trouble. Stephen was a policeman, a detective called in by her hotel-owner employer after an attack by a gunman. Perhaps she needn’t worry, thought, in spite of their mutual attraction, Stephen was wary, too.

The Habit Of Loving - by Rosemary Hammond - Harlequin Presents - # 802 - 1985.

Even brilliant plans have a habit of backfiring.
Paula’s well-intentioned sister was spearheading a rigorous campaign to, as she put it, pull Paula out of her shell and marry her off. And she refused to allow Paula’s resistance to deter her from her goal.
Matthew Stratton, the new senator from Maryland, sympathized with Paula. He, too, had not completely recovered from the loss of a mate and was tired of dodging the matchmaking power plays of Washington’s political hostesses.
So they joined forces and planned a brilliant defensive that convinced everyone, even Washington’s gossip columnists, that they’d become an item.

All My Tomorrows - by Rosemary Hammond - Harlequin Presents - # 985 - 1986.

She didn't want a part time love.
From the first night when Dr. Jessica Carpenter opened her door to Jason Strong she sensed he was dangerous. As she nursed his wounds in war torn San Cristobal, Jessica fell in love with the fugitive reporter.
Then suddenly, Jason was gone. Bitterly disappointed Jessica returned to her home near Washington, to forget.
Just as she began to succeed, Jason returned. "You're all I care about, Jess," he told her. Jessica didn't see how a small town doctor and a roving reporter could build a permanent life together. And she'd be devastated if he left her again.

Bittersweet Revenge - by Rosemary Hammond - Harlequin Presents - # 1392 - 1991.

What a fool she’d been.
Val was distressed and outraged when Michael Prescott blamed her for his brother’s death. But she saw red when she uncovered Michael’s deliberate plan of revenge.
She should never have trusted a man, particularly one capable of taking that trust and trampling it without mercy. Well, she certainly wouldn’t let it happen again.
But then Val’s neatly sealed feelings insisted on expressing themselves. How, she wondered, was she ever going to explain that to Dr. Prescott.

2008年6月6日 星期五

For Bitter Or Worse - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 267 - 1979.

Stacy wondered: why wasn't love enough?
Cord was still confined to a wheelchair a year after the crash, bitter, lashing out at everyone, especially his wife. There seemed to be no way to convince him that her love was not pity.
"It would have been better if I hadn't been pulled from the plane wreckage," he told her. And Stacy despaired at her inability to comfort him.
Then Paula Hanson, a confident physiotherapist, arrived. She taunted Cord into helping himself, restoring his interest in living. But had she also replaced Stacy in his life?

A Tradition Of Pride - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 421 - 1981.

The honeymoon was over long, long ago.
Lara Cochran had once been a happy bride. Then Trevor, her charming husband, had turned to other women.
Divorce was unheard of in Lara's family, but she didn't want one anyway. One disastrous marriage was enough; she was now safely immune from men, all men.
Or so she thought until she met Rans MacQuade, the rugged and virile manager of her father's Mississippi plantation. But she knew she couldn't let herself get carried away. For what would mean making some dramatic unwanted changes in her life.

Tidewater Lover - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 292 - 1979.

"To hell with the rules!" Cole said.
His smile was mocking. "We’ve been here together for only one day and we’re already on the verge of breaking rule number one, no sex."
Crimson flamed through Lacey’s cheeks. Why had she involved herself in this situation? Why had she agreed to share the beach house with Cole? She must have been crazy!
She was crazy to stay with him, Lacey told herself. But she just couldn’t leave. She was dangerously, irresistibly attracted to Cole, and they both knew it.

The Second Time - by Janet Dailey - Silhouette Romance - # 177 - 1982.

How long could their love last?
She had been an impetuous teenager when she had defied her love for Slater MacBride to marry a Texas millionaire, and she regretted her mistake. After eleven years of marriage without love, Dawn Lord was returning to her home in the Florida Keys, seeking peace in the turquoise waters of the sea.
But she found only storms of desire when confronted by desire when confronted by Slater. Once a penniless speculator, now a local tycoon, he vowed to make up for lost time, in ever way.
Were they merely fooled by an intoxicating passion, or would they reach the heights and depths of love this time?

The Thawing Of Mara - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 349 - 1980.

Mara had locked her feelings away.
Aloof, cold as ice, that was Mara Prentiss. And she felt she had every reason to be that way. Her father's infidelity had killed her mother. That's what love leads to, Mara thought.
Mara hated her father, Adam, but she looked after him out of duty. When he became friends with the striking, persuasive Sinclair Buchanan, a tenant on Mara's land, she was incensed.
When Sinclair began his campaign to unfreeze Mara's bitter heart, she was tempted. But she had no intention of falling in love. Surely she was above stooping to that.

Strange Bedfellows - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 296 - 1979.

“I went though hell to return to you.”
Dina was overcome by guilt when she heard her husband’s words. But she couldn’t welcome him back with open arms.
Blake had been missing in the South American jungle for two years; she had believed he was dead. When he made his dramatic reappearance, she had just become engaged to his best friend.
The years had changed her. Blake’s savage fight for survival had turned him into a primitive stranger. How could they make their marriage work again.

Sonora Sundown - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 239 - 1978.

Brandy’s encounter with Jim Corbett in the Arizona desert had been like a scene from a movie. But somehow the plot had gone all wrong.
“Regardless of what you’ve seen in films,” someone tried to tell her, “the ingenue rarely ends up in the hero’s arms. You’re being used!”
Brandy tried to tell herself that she didn’t care. But it wasn’t true. It didn’t matter how crazy she was to have fallen in love with a famous actor, it wasn’t something she could change.

Something Extra - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 248 - 1978.

Jolie Antoinette Smith found more than she was looking for in Louisiana. Not only did she locate the home of her ancestral namesake, she found someone to love.
But what use to fall in love with a man like Steve Cameron? “It’s always been my policy to stay away from spirited virgins,” he informed Jolie. “They tend to complicate your life, and your conscience.”
Jolie had left home because of a problem; now she was faced with a greater one. For clearly, marriage played no part in Steve’s plans!

Northern Magic - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 475 - 1982.

Had her love crashed with Rick’s plane?
Shannon was ecstatic at the prospect of joining Rick in Alaska. They’d waited so long, but now he’d found a pilot’s job and they could be married.
Her hopes faded, though, after her arrival in Anchorage. Rick wasn’t there. His apartment had been rented to someone else. Panicky and confused, Shannon sought help through Cody Steele, Rick’s supposed employer.
Shannon feared for Rick’s safety and prayed he’d be found soon, before her love faded; before she succumbed to Cody’s captivating charm.

Low Country Liar - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 302 - 1979.

Her scheme brought unexpected results!
Lisa believed that Slade Blackwell was systematically embezzling her aunt’s money. But she needed proof.
Lisa figured out a way to get it. The only problem was that it involved wearing a disguise and adopting a different role. And the deeper she delved, the harder it became to adjust her real life to the other.
Then fate played a cruel trick on Lisa. She fell hopelessly in love with Slade. But she was caught in a web of lies, lies that threatened to destroy her happiness.

Leftover Love - by Janet Dailey - Silhouette Special Edition - # 150 - 1984.

Beauty And The Beast.
Layne MacDonald’s search for the mother who had given her up at birth took her from the world she had always known to a Nebraska ranch, where the West wove its spell around her.
There she met Creed Dawson, a man who had alwyas been a loner, hiding behind a face he thought no one could ever love. Yet Layne did love him, and he her, and the magic of their love transformed him, until all the world could see beyond his harsh facade to the loving man within.

Kona Winds - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 332 - 1980.

It was paradise with one fatal flaw.
Julie Lancaster thought her new job was perfect. She had a gracious employer, a charming teenager to teach, and best of all, the splendid beauty of Hawaii.
Then Ruel Chandler came on the scene. Her pupil’s brother and head of the household, he was aloof, indifferent, bored with women. Yet something in Julie reached out to him no matter how hard she tried to deny it.
Ruel stirred a flame in her. Could she resist, or would she lose everything, her job, her new home, herself.

The Indy Man - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 223 - 1978.

Susan took her engagement to Warren Sullivan seriously. He was handsome, rich and in love with her.
Perhaps things were a little humdrum between them. But not until that insufferable Mitch Braden came along did doubts enter her mind. Certainly there were none of the sparks that shimmered between her and Mitch, even though his attitude infuriated her. "I haven't time to play fair," he warned.
The sooner Mitch took himself off again the better! But . . . did she really want him to go?

Enemy In Camp - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 373 - 1980.

The perfect way to ruin a holiday.
Victoria Beaumont was looking forward to relaxing on Mackinac Island at the family’s summer home.
But all thoughts of relaxing fled when she discovered that her father, Charles, had invited Dirk Ramsey. His ruthless newspaper articles threatened to damage Charles’s political career. Perhaps if Dirk got to know the Beaumonts better he would change his views.
Victoria didn’t want to know him better. True, Dirk Ramsey was the most attractive man she’d ever met, but any interest he showed in her was purely for the sake of journalism.

Dakota Dreamin - by Janet Dailey - Harlequin Presents - # 445 - 1981.

Now she could make her dreams come true.
Edie Gibbs stared at the check in her hand. She’d never imagined that the inventions Joe worked on during their eighteen years of marriage would provide a windfall after his death.
Actually, she had only one dream; to own a ranch in the Black Hills of South Dakota. And now, she could.
But it wasn’t quite that simple. Her new ranch was a run-down wreck, and her neighbor, arrogant local rancher Will Maddock, made every encounter a battle. Some dream, Edie told herself.