2008年3月31日 星期一

Ring Of Gold - by Sandra Field - Harlequin Presents - # 1242 - 1990.

It was not the holiday she’d planned.
When a friend forced her to take a much-needed break from the pressures of her job, Paige had her own plans. Top of the list was to get her life into some kind of order.
Instead she found herself in the wilds of British Columbia sharing a cabin with an uncooperative stranger, father of the small boy she’d brought from San Francisco and his legal guardian.
Travis Renshaw made it perfectly plain their presence was totally unwelcome. Any sensible person would have retreated at that point. But Paige was not going to back down.

Dark Lucifer - by Stephanie Howard - Harlequin Presents - # 1130 - 1988.

Why was he so set on destroying her?
Jessica’s world was perfect. She had a thriving antique business in a lovely, quaint village in Kent. She was engaged to a man who shared her interests and swore he loved her.
But suddenly she had a bitter enemy. Wealthy businessman Luke Hartt, a man seemingly bent on her ruin.
And for what? His motive, he said, was revenge on her partner. He would destroy him, as well as the business, and right along with them, his ruthless eyes told her, he would break her heart.

Highland Turmoil - by Stephanie Howard - Harlequin Presents - # 1168 - 1989.

She’d made an enemy of the wrong man.
Sarah was caught snooping on Brett McCabe’s property. The powerful Canadian developer had purchased historic Strathbiggin Castle and had plans for the area that would change the face of her beloved Highland home forever.
He wasn’t going to let her off scot-free. He demanded that Sarah, as a reporter for the local partner, give him good press, and despite her loathing for him, she had little choice.
But it wasn’t long before her loathing began to turn to something quite different and equally intense.

Working Relationship - by Madeleine Ker - Harlequin Presents - # 739 - 1984.

It wasn’t very easy to like Seton Chambers.
As a director of powerful and compassionate documentaries, he had inspired Madge to become a filmmaker. As a man and an employer, he was utterly impossible, and she came close to hating him.
He was rude, sarcastic, contemptuous of anyone who failed to measure up to his standards. And that included Madge, whose talent, he informed her, was only mediocre.
So she wasn’t looking forward to what should have been the greatest experience of her career: filming a documentary in remote Tibet, with Seton Chambers as her critic and companion.

Heaven Here On Earth - by Carole Mortimer - Harlequin Presents - # 619 - 1983.

Ryan’s dream came true became a nightmare.
The loan of her friend Marks’ studio meant three blissful weeks for Ryan to sketch and paint. Every artist should be so lucky. Then she arrived at Montgomery Hall and found herself reaching to the insinuations of Mark’s uncompromising older brother, Grant.
Everything about Grant sent shivers of excitement through Ryan, evoking a response too powerful to ignore. But nothing she could say or do would convince the arrogant man of her integrity. Worse of all, Ryan found herself falling in love with him!

Reluctant Captive - by Helen Bianchin - Harlequin Presents - # 1601 - 1992 - A Year Down Under Series.

Second time around.
Kate vowed she would never see Nicolas again, much less share his bed or his name. But the powerful Sydney businessman was both ruthless and determined, and wasn’t above resorting to blackmail to get what he wanted. He wanted his wife.
And now Kate was back in the gilded cage that she’d once called home. But in the time that they’d been apart, Kate had grown older and wiser. She had no regrets that their marriage had been one of convenience, but was she so wrong to desire a future filled with love?

Desert Dream - by Rosemary Carter - Harlequin Presents - # 397 - 1980.

Could she change his mind about women?
Fraser Mallory was an accomplished geologist, handsome and virile. His attitude toward women was daunting. So in order to join his Kalhari expedition, Corey Latimer masqueraded as a male photographer.
Her little ploy worked well as they made their way into the steamy African bushland. Then, as Fraser’s magnetism took hold of Corey’s senses, she regretted deceiving him. She was a woman, and in spite of Fraser’s reputation she wanted him to know it.
But the consequences were far more dangerous than she’d imagined.

Daredevil - by Rosemary Carter - Harlequin Presents - # 560 - 1983.

"I didn't expect you'd stoop quite so low."
Their first meeting was unfortunate. Raoul Vareen thought Trisha was a hardheaded newswoman who'd do anything for a story.
Posing as a model, she'd won the heart of his brother and the trust of his recently kidnapped younger sister, a vulnerable girl every reporter in South Africa had tried and failed to interview. It was the career opportunity of a lifetime.
But because she was hopelessly in love with Raoul, the story Trisha had dreamed of became a nightmare as she wrestled with her conscience and her heart.

Letter From Bronze Mountain - by Rosemary Carter - Harlequin Presents - # 752 - 1985.

Can you love and hate at the same time?
It was unusual for Megan Wescott to put her trust in a stragner so quickly. But Roan was no ordinary stranger. He was the most extraordinarily dynamic man she’d ever met.
Without fear or hesitation, Megan rode off with him to explore the South African countryside, feeling safe and protected by his strength and power. Then she learned that he was the man responsible for her sister’s death.
And a love that had started out with such promise turned against them both as Megan tried to deny the force of the attraction between them.

Safari Encounter - by Rosemary Carter - Harlequin Presents - # 439 - 1981.

“Impalavlei is just a business to you.”
Jenny wouldn’t see her late father’s quiet bushveld game park transformed into a sophisticated resort, as Joshua Adams undoubtedly intended. Impalavlei had to keep up with times, he’d said, start making money.
Jenny thought it strange that a man so heartless, had helped her father so much, and now owned Impalavlei. She had no choice but to watch him “improve” her beloved park and take over the running of the business.
But her real problems began when Joshua also took over her heart.

The Widening Stream - by Rachel Lindsay - Harlequin Presents - # 346 - 1980.

Had it been just a shipboard romance?
Loris Cameron’s Atlantic crossing with her friend Melanie had been a dream fulfilled, including falling in love with Brett Halliday. He had proposed and Loris had joyfully accepted.
But now everything had changed. When they reached California they learned that Melanie’s fiancée had been the victim of a crippling accident; and Brett Halliday seemed to have forgotten Loris.
Then Brett finally showed up, escorting Elaine Forrest and Loris knew it was all over. How could she compete with the sophisticated, scheming Elaine?

An Affair To Forget - by Rachel Lindsay - Harlequin Presents - # 265 - 1978.

Suddenly Valerie’s world was changed!
Fate crossed Valerie’s path with that of singing-star idol, Nicky Barratt, and for some strange reason he was reluctant to let her go out of his life.
What set her apart from his other admiring fans, she wondered. And why should he suddenly want to marry her?
She knew she could not fit into show business life or compete with the glamorous girls who surrounded him. Yet when she learned that Nicky was using her to maintain his carefully created image, she was shattered. By then, she had fallen in love with him.

Castle In The Trees - by Rachel Lindsay - Harlequin Presents - # 60 - 1977.

Castle in the Trees, the very name filled Stephanie with excited anticipation.
The reality, the fair-tale castle home in Portugal of the aristocratic Maroc family, was even more fascinating than she had imagined. And Stephanie had the enviable job of making it even lovelier, a task that involved her with a proud, hot-tempered family coupled with an unaccustomed life in a country of savage beauty.
What mystery surrounded the Maroc collection of jewels? Why did Miguel and his brother, Carlos, hate each other? Stephanie found out at last, but only at the cost of losing her heart.

Designing Man - by Rachel Lindsay - Harlequin Presents - # 280 - 1979.

They were fighting for fame, fortune and love.
Hired as a publicist for the Duval salon, Alix Smith was caught up in the rivalry between aging couturier Henri Duval and his son, Paul, a brilliant new designer.
Alix was strangely disturbed when the father-son rivalry extended beyond business to the courting of a beautiful actress. Then she realized she had fallen in love with Paul herself.
The situation spelled trouble for everyone. And when events reached their terrifying climax, Alix knew that she would have to risk her life for the sake of her love.

Deal Of A Lifetime - by Susan Napier - Harlequin Presents - # 1460 - 1992.

Big Business, or motherhood?
Emma Rainer was a tough corporate lawyer. But outside the office, her almost magical attraction for children dictated that she ought to be an earth mother.
Currently a major contender for promotion, she’d been pleased to be among those invited to Sir Clive Conway’s holiday island, until she discovered that his whole family, including children and babies were there, too.
Emma didn’t know if she’d be able to maintain her corporate image, and that meant she could kiss the promotion goodbye. But then she met Frazer Conway, Sir Clive’s half brother and father of an adorable little boy, who quickly made it clear he wanted Emma in both her roles.

True Enchanter - by Susan Napier - Harlequin Presents - # 1051 - 1988.

Their love was staged in the public glare.
Joanna was unimpressed by the tinsel of movie making and star director Richard Marlow. In fact, she remained unmoved when thrown into his company as tutor-chaperon to her starlet niece, Becky, who was infatuated by Marlow.
This made it hard for Joanna, who saw Marlow, a man other women flung themselves at, as an overgrown egotists, yet one with commanding charm and talent.
As a teacher of delinquent teenagers, Joanna could hold her own in dramatizing outrageous acts, and she was intent on beating Richard Marlow at his own game. But the challenge required her to distinguish acting from security.

Gamble On Passion - by Jacqueline Baird - Harlequin Presents Plus - # 1726 - 1995.

A gentleman of fortune?
“the first man to walk through this door will be the one I date for a month.
Jacy’s bet with her friend Liz was reckless, especially when that first man turned out to be Leo Kozakis. Jacy had gambled on Leo’s love ten years before, but he had cruelly rejected her. The sensible thing would have been to forget the wager, but Jacy found herself overpowered by desire. She told herself that she was doing it for revenge. She was more than a match now for the arrogant Greek tycoon, wasn’t she? And couldn’t possible want him in any other way.

His Inherited Bride - by Jacqueline Baird - Harlequin Presents - # 2385 - 2004 - Italian Husbands Series.

Her inheritance: One Italian husband.
Julia is desperate to find out if her recent inheritance will give her the money she needs to pay for her mother’s health are. But she discovers that she must marry gorgeous Italian multimillionaire Randolfo Carducci before she can claim anything!
Rand is overwhelmingly attracted to his inherited bride, though surely Julia is just a scheming gold digger? She certainly seems to be, the way she’s already demanding money, Rand will give her any amount she desires but only on his terms not as his wife, but as his mistress.

Passionate Betrayal - by Jacqueline Baird - Harlequin Presents - # 1431 - 1992.

Goldie’s world had tumbled down.
But that was seven years ago and out of the ruins she had built a new life, with a new name.
“Marie Doumerque” had no desire to be reminded of the past. So why had she fallen into Rayner Millard’s arms so easily when he’d turned up at the chateau in France?
Was Rayner really her destiny? And was his rekindled passion fueled by love, or a desire for revenge.

Wife: Bought And Paid For - by Jacqueline Baird - Harlequin Presents - # 2291 - 2002 - Wedlocked Series.

A Wife In Every Sense.
Solo Maffeiano owns half of Penny’s family home, yet she needs to pay off debts left by her late father. She has no choice but to agree to Solo’s offer; he will pay the debts, restore the dilapidated mansion, where they will live, if Penny becomes his wife.
She will be his wife, bought and paid for, and he wants a wife in every sense of the word. Penny knows she’s still in love with Solo, but isn’t their marriage just a sham?

A Woman Accused - by Sandra Marton - Harlequin Presents - # 1736 - 1993 - Secrets Series.

Olivia Harris was desperate!
She needed money . . . and fast. Trouble was, the only person she could turn to for help was the last man who would offer it.
Edward Archer wanted the truth behind Olivia’s relationship with his stepfather, but she was determined to keep her secrets! So when Edward started taking over Olivia’s life, she was worried.
Instead of hating Edward, she began to like him all too much . . . but how could she? She was a woman accused and Edward had set himself up as prosecutor, judge and jury . . . and Olivia’s only defense was love!

Marriage On The Edge - by Sandra Marton - Harlequin Presents - # 2027 - 1999 - The Barons Series.

The convenient wife.
Gage Baron had made it on his own. He’s wealthy, and his marriage seems successful, too, until Natalie leaves him.
Then Gage receives an invitation to his father’s Texas estate; Jonas obviously has more on his mind than just his eighty-fifth birthday celebration. But the possibility he might inherit Espada is less important to Gage than the opportunity to win back Natalie. Jonas will expect to see her, so Gage must ensure that his wife is back by his side, still married to him, for convenience’s sake.

Savage Hunger - by Sara Wood - Harlequin Presents - # 1134 - 1988.

He presented a frightening challenge.
Rachel was young, but strong and mature beyond her years. Abandoned as a baby, brought up in foster homes, betrayed by her husband in a foolish early marriage, Rachel was used to hard knocks.
So, her new position as chauffeur to Ivan Posada, brilliant journalist and media personality, should be within her capabilities, she thought. He was a hard taskmaster, yet Rachel felt certain she could deal with him.
But when she was subjected to the powerful pull of his pure animal magnetism, she suddenly wasn’t quite so sure.

A Grand Illusion - by Maura McGiveny - Harlequin Presents - # 674 - 1984.

She was his paragon of efficiency.
Jenna was more than Royce Drummond’s secretary. She also arranged the intimate dinners with his mistresses and was silent witness to the parade of beautiful women that passed through his office.
Royce didn’t regard Jenna as female at all. If he thought of her it was only with contempt. He believed her the mother of an illegitimate child; he had no idea Robbie was her sister’s son.
And Jenna, stubbornly silent, refused to tell him the truth, or the extent to which he himself was involved.

The Greek Boss’s Demand - by Trish Morey - Harlequin Presents - # 2444 - 2005 - Greek Tycoon Series.

He’s the father of her child.
Alexandra Hammond leaves Crete secretly pregnant with her Greek lover’s baby! She’ll always remember Nick Santos’s steamy lovemaking, as she makes a new life for herself and their son in Australia.
And now he’s her boss.
Brought to Sydney by business, Nick’s now a ruthless tycoon. But working with Alexandra reawakens their passion. She knows she can’t keep their son hidden for much longer, what will Nick do when he finds out.

No Gentle Loving - by Sara Wood - Harlequin Presents - # 1206 - 1989.

He was ruthless beneath his charm.
And Helen chastised herself roundly for being taken in. Disappointment washed over her, as she realized how much she had wanted to like this handsome and wealthy hotelier.
Dimitri Kastelli had given Helen an unusual welcome upon her arrival in Crete. Initially rude, he'd changed to the soul fo friendliness, and she believed her two-month stay on the island, while she sought out her family roots, would be pleasant, maybe even exciting.
Now, as the hardness gleamed from behind his deceptively velvet gaze, she realized some dreadful secret lay buried there.

Surrender, My Heart - by Lindsay Armstrong - Harlequin Presents - # 951 - 1986.

India found love in the arms of an enemy.
Giles Ballantyne, heir to Ballantyne Enterprises had treated India with contempt since the day she’d married his father. A fortune huntress, he called her, and worse.
Suddenly a year after her husband’s death, Giles’s attitude to India changed. On a trip to a gorgeous resort island off the coast of Australia the irresistible passion they shared stirred untouched depths of feelings in India.
But, try as she might, she couldn’t quite quell her uneasy doubts about Giles and the reason for his sudden transformation.

Man Of Ice - by Rachel Lindsay - Harlequin Presents - # 359 - 1980.

“You’re just another gold digger. "
Abby was shocked at Giles Farrow’s words. True, his aunt Matilda Bateman had taken Abby under her wing on Abby’s dream holiday to India.
But Abby hadn’t been kind to the elderly woman just because Miss Bateman was really Mattie Bates, famous and wealthy detective-story writer. Abby hadn’t even known.
It was bad enough to have to put up with Giles’s poor opinion of her, his searing eyes that regarded her so accusingly. It was worse to have to admit that he was the most attractive man she’d ever had the misfortune to meet!

Fever Pitch - by Sarah Holland - Harlequin Presents - # 601 - 1983.

She didn’t even have to know his name!
An inner voice told Louisa her life had been utterly transformed the moment she’d met Jacey. Although they were total strangers, something in his panther like eyes told her he knew her better than she knew herself.
United by a powerful attraction, they became closer than either thought possible. Then Jacey went away.
Not knowing if he’d return, Louisa let her stubborn will to survive lead her into the arms of another man. Yet even though she should be happy, it was as if half of her was missing.

The Contaxis Baby - by Lynne Graham - Harlequin Presents - # 2331 - 2003 - Greek Tycoons Series.

He's looking for revenge and gets a wife.
Sebasten Contaxis
: A gorgeous Greek billionaire. Reputedly, to him women are just for decoration.
Lizzie Denton: Misunderstood and miserable. She's been wrongly labeled as a heartbreaker.
Sebasten decides he'll get his own unique brand of revenge, and takes Lizzie's virginity.
So now it's Lizzie Denton, misunderstood and pregnant. And Sebasten Contaxis, gorgeous Greek billionaire, and father-to-be.

Married By Arrangement - by Lynne Graham - Harlequin Presents - # 2475 - 2005 - A Mediterranean Marriage Series.

Married in haste . . .for his passionate pleasure!
Antonio Rocha saw Sophie Cunningham as a tramp, she was raising his orphaned niece in a trailer.
However, Antonio didn’t appreciate that thought she might not be a lady, Sophie had plenty of love to give. And she was a virgin.
Antonio soon found himself attracted to Sophie, and he knew how to indulge their passion: a marriage arrangement on his terms.

Lovescenes - by Sandra Marton - Harlequin Presents - # 1082 - 1988.

The air between them was electric!
Shannon took her brand new soap opera role seriously and was really upset that things just weren’t clicking. Which may be why she deliberately insulted musician Cade Morgan when he interrupted a difficult rehearsal. What did he know about acting?
Next thing she knew she was being pulled into Cade’s arms and her director was saying “That’s it, that’s the chemistry we’re looking for.”
And Shannon was still reeling when Cade was signed as her new lead. For her the chemistry had been real!

Heart Of The Hawk - by Sandra Marton - Harlequin Presents - # 1121 - 1988.

He wasn’t called The Hawk for nothing.
Rachel saw David Griffin as a ruthless predator who swooped down on the defenseless and carried them off. Now he’d come to claim Jamie, his infant son and Rachel’s ward. Even Rachel’s love for her deceased stepsister’s baby was powerless against him.
Rachel accepted the job he offered as nursemaid at his home in the Catskills, it was the only way to stay with Jamie. But it also meant she’d be easy prey to The Hawk’s overwhelming sensuality.
And then she wondered, to her horror, if she’d be a willing victim.

Eye Of The Storm - by Sandra Marton - Harlequin Presents - # 1244 - 1990.

She just had to do something.
Nicole didn’t know quite how Chase Tarrant had managed to persuade her boss, Aston, to part with his new racing sloop. She was quite convinced, though, that it wasn’t honesty.
Although Aston didn’t seem prepared to take any action, Nicole just wasn’t going to sit idly by. Especially when she knew Chase was going to race Enchantress from Florida to Barbados.
By a fluke, Nicole got herself on board, pretending to be the crew. But that was only the first of a series of errors. Why was it, Nicole fumed, that Chase was always the winner?

Slade Baron’s Bride - by Sandra Marton - Harlequin Presents - # 2063 - 1999 - The Barons Series.

When just one night leads to a whole life.
It was something Slade had never done before. But Lara Stevens had the face of an angel, and like him, was facing an overnight delay in her plane. Before he knew it, he was suggesting they spend their time together.
When Lara looked into Slade Baron’s eyes, they were her undoing. No man had ever looked at her this way, or made her feel this way. Who would she hurt if she accepted his invitation? He wanted her and she wanted.
A baby.

Romano’s Revenge - by Sandra Marton - Harlequin Presents - # 2117 - 2000.

The Marriage Scheme:
Millionaire Joe Romano’s surprise birthday gift is a live-in cook, Lucinda Barry. But the beautiful, blue-blooded blonde can’t even fry an egg, so Joe instantly realizes it’s all a scheme to find him a suitable wife.
Joe decides to take his revenge on Lucinda and his matchmaking Italian grandmother by playing them at their own game. Surely Lucinda won’t mind sharing his bed as part of her domestic duties?

The One-Night Wife - by Sandra Marton - Harlequin Presents - # 2435 - 2004 - The O’Connells Series.

The bride to be:
Penniless Savannah knows that to help her sick little sister, she has to win big at the casino.
The Groom:
But Sean O’Connell always plays to win.
The indecent proposal.
Virgin Savannah is no match for Sean and soon she’s lost everything! Sean offers her one last gamble: he’ll settle her debts if she becomes his wife, for just one night.

Devil’s Causeway - by Mary Wibberley - Harlequin Presents - # 486 - 1982.

Brand would never, never love her.
For years Maria had known bout her father's love affair with Isobel Cordell, and had had every sympathy for them. She was devastated when they were both killed in a terrible car crash.
But Isolbel's son, Brand had known nothing about it; he was horrifeid, angry and bitter and he carried on as if it were all somehow Maria's own fault.
And Maria didn't help the touch situation by falling head over heels in love with him.

A Bride For Strathallane - by Stephanie Howard - Harlequin Presents - # 1450 - 1992.

There’d never been anyone for her but Rory.
Deep inside, Isla MacDonald acknowledged that. But she was no longer the wide-eyed teenager who’d been brokenhearted when Rory Buchanan cast her out of his life.
Oh, she’d survived, Isla had gone to London and become a sophisticated successful career woman. She was now impervious to hurt.
But when she went home to help her parents and had to see the ruthless ambitious empire builder that Rory had become, she discovered things about herself and Rory, she had never known before.

Cherish The Flame - by Sandra Marton - Harlequin Presents - # 1219 - 1989.

Playing with fire can burn a girl.
Meeting Quinn Fowler, her fiancee’s brother, totally transformed Paige’s life. The searing flame he ignited in her left her confused about her imminent marriage with Alan. Then Quinn made his shocking move.
He accused Paige of being a wanton schemer who’d unscrupulously gone after Alan for his money. And Quinn made it clear he wanted to get his brother out of Paige’s clutches.
Unfairly maligned, Paige was blackmailed into marrying a man who loathed her! And when Quinn took her to live with him in distant London, she felt truly alone.

Consenting Adults - by Sandra Marton - Harlequin Presents - # 1379 - 1991.

It was simply blackmail.
Logan Miller was so determined that Talia Roberts come work for him that he was quite prepared to tell lies and blacken her name with her boss, John Diamond.
And John might well have believed Logan because he knew how ambitious Talia was. With little choice, she agreed to set up a catering service in Logan’s new Brazilian office.
She was shocked when she discovered she’d also be sharing Logan’s apartment! Worse still, she could really see no way out.

Stormfire - by Helen Bianchin - Harlequin Presents - # 1561 - 1993.

Like a moth to flame.
Powerful and ruthless, Jake Hollingsworth was a force unto himself, dangerous and totally without mercy.
He’d hated Lisette three years ago when she’d married his father. Clearly, his feelings hadn’t changed, so why this intrusion into her life? She’d renounced her claim to the family fortune when Jake’s father died. None of his actions made sense, unless he was attempting a cruel game of revenge.
yet, against her will, Lisette was being swept closer to the mesmeric lick of flame, wanting to tempt the devil, knowing she’d never be the same.

A Powerful Attraction - by Cathy Williams - Harlequin Presents - # 1413 - 1991.

Payment in blood sweat and tears.
That's what Margo Drake demanded of Gracie when she had to pick up the pieces of her younger sister's latest entanglement.
Gracie was used to rescuing Jenny, but this time she'd gone too far. For Morgan showed Gracie no mercy in assessing the damage. Furthermore, Gracie was to work as his personal assistant in New York.
With a dynamic ruthless charmer like Morgan, Gracie was afraid the price could be even higher, that he'd settle the bill with her heart.

Master Of Tinarua - by Rosemary Carter - Harlequin Presents - # 575 - 1983.

Would she always be haunted by guilt?
Teslyn had tried to rebuild her life since her disastrous marriage ended with her husband’s accidental death. She thought she had succeeded.
That was before Wayne North strode into her life with his impetuous demands. Teslyn was shocked to find herself responding to him; to learn that she had never really known before what love was.
But what chance was there for the fulfillment of their new love, shadowed by her past, a past she’d never been able to discuss with anyone?

Lion’s Domain - by Rosemary Carter - Harlequin Presents - # 615 - 1983.

“You’re chasing after a crazy dream!”
Despite her friend’s warning, Nicola knew nothing would stand in the way of her becoming a safari guide in the South African lowveld. And even when the piercing blue eyes of Delayney Tours personnel officer Blye Peterson
detected her lack of experience, Nicola knew the job was hers.
She knew, too, that there was something predatory and devastatingly cunning in those same blue eyes, something that would make dealing with Blye infinitely more dangerous than facing wild animals on safari.

Face In The Portrait - by Rosemary Carter - Harlequin Presents - # 410 - 1981.

She had no one else, so he was everything.
Cindy's son Jeremy was the focus of her whole life. She had somehow managed to raise him alone, and it had matured her greatly. She was no longer the innocent girl who had loved the awesome artist Jason Peel years ago.
So when Jason suddenly reappeared, Cindy knew she must summon the strength to cope with the conflicting emotions his very presence aroused.
But most of all, she must hide from Jason the shattering truth about the little boy. Jason Peel must never discover that he was Jeremy's father.

Sweet Imposter - by Rosemary Carter - Harlequin Presents - # 283 - 1979.

Roumayne’s world had collapsed around her.
Unjustly accused of causing a popular singer’s death, Roumayne Mallory was fired fro her job, jilted by her fiancee and damned by public opinion. She wanted only to escape, and Marcella Du Toit, her exact double in appearance, provided a way.
“I want you to impersonate me,” Marcella told Roumayne. “Go home to my grandparents South African farm and get Eguene Hugo’s engagement ring on your finger.” She smiled slyly. “Then I’ll come back in time to take my rightful place as Eugene’s bride.”
But Roumayne complicated matters by falling in love with Eugene herself.

A Man Without Mercy - by Margery Hilton - Harlequin Presents - # 52 - 1974.

Compassion and loyalty, two endearing qualities, but they had brought Gerda to heartbreak and almost wrecked her chance of ever finding happiness. Compassion had led her into a brief and tragic marriage, and had sacrificed her integrity in the eyes of the one man she really loved.
Three years later she was a widow, and loyalty to her employers had forced her back under the power of this one man who could destroy her. Loyalty of another sort had made Gerda give entirely the wrong impression of herself, an impression that Jordan Black had not forgotten.
Yet he was the man she loved as much as he despised her, and he was a man without mercy.

Wipe Away The Tears - by Patricia Lake - Harlequin Presents - # 521 - 1982.

Was her love a tool in a power struggle?
Jassy’s stepfather, Morgan Carrington, was determined that she would marry Rene Moreau, thereby joining two business empires at the same time.
Jassy’s own feelings apparently didn’t enter into it. Jassy was afraid to confront Morgan and risk alienating her only relative in the world. But how could she possibly marry Rene when she loved Max Bellmer?
Even more wealthy and powerful than Morgan, Max seemed to bring out the worst in Morgan. Jassy couldn’t help wondering why.

Savage Love - by Mary Wibberley - Harlequin Presents - # 348 - 1980.

Kim thought the past was dead and buried.
But she found she was wrong when she went to the wilds of Westmorland to help her cousin run her small hotel.
If she had know Luke Savage was one of the guests, no matter how much she was needed there, she'd never have gone within a thousand miles of the place.
It had taken three long years to rebuild her shattered life after her husband, Luke had left her. But she had managed it. And she would not, dared not, let him disturb her again!